
BEAROMOS®2020 BEARing MOnitoring System

BEAROMOS®2020 BEARing MOnitoring System – Online monitoring of propulsion/auxiliary engine’s main bearings

As a pioneer and many years back, Schaller Automation has started with investigations into the early friction detection of different metal materials producing a thermo-electric effect which can be exploited to produce instant measurable signals.

From there onwards, Schaller Automation has developed its BEARing MOnitoring System BEAROMOS®, which will be soon released in its final stage BEAROMOS®2020.

The BEAROMOS®2020 sensors obtain information on signals during normal engine operation, those signals become noticeable once anomalies are detected between the rotating crankshaft and the bearing surface. The system displays any information about anomalies immediately, allowing the operator to take precautions in order to minimize engine maintenance costs.

To find out more, click on the brochure below or contact us to arrange for a meeting.

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